T M R    C O N S U L T I N G



Human Resource activities can rarely be looked at in isolation.  If you want to run an Assessment Centre you'll be bringing new people into the organisation.  You might need to think about the recruitment consultants you are using.  You might also need to provide training to your new hires and you might even want to think about doing some psychometric profiling to help with the selection process.  It could be that the managers who will be making the hiring decisions need some help too - perhaps formal training or executive coaching.  Below is more information on the services provided by TMR Consulting.  It's not an exhaustive list, so if you have an HR issue you'd like us to help you with, please contact us to discuss it further.

From writing the job description through to Induction of your new hire, TMR Consulting can help you every step of the way.  We're not recruitment consultants, we leave that to the agency professionals.  Although, with our extensive network of professional connections, we can help with retained searches for HR and other specialist roles.  We can advise on how best to fill your role, we can handle the administration, the HR interviews, the contracts, the negotiations, the offers and the declines.   We can work with you to develop a robust Hiring Process for your organisation.  TMR Consulting can advise on Preferred Supplier Lists to enable you to work more effectively with your retained recruitment consultants.  We can advise you on what's working well at the moment in your hiring process and suggest other, more effective procedures to save you money and speed things up.  You choose what you need, we'll do the rest.

Assessment/Development Centres
Whether it's Graduate Recruitment or an Organisational Change, sometimes you need more that just a straightforward interview process.  We can work with you to identify what you want to achieve.  We will then develop an appropriate Assessment or Development Centre to meet these needs. This could typically involve one to one or   group interviews; specially tailored group or individual exercises; tests or in-tray exercises; psychometric testing and feedback; observed social activities and training of your assessors to get the most out of the event.    

Training and Management Development
We're not a training organisation - but we know what good training looks like.  We can help you with a training needs analysis for your organisation.  We can help you set a training budget and advise on best to utilise it.  We can develop and deliver HR related training programmes for your HR team and we can help you with training tools for your managers.  TMR Consulting can advise on the best training providers to use for technical skills and we can help you measure the effectiveness of the training you have provided to your people.

Even the most effective people need help at times.  Whether it's an individual who has particular performance needs the organisation wants to address, or a high performing manager you want to develop for a more senior role, TMR Consulting can provide independent, professional and effective personal or executive coaching.  

Organisational Change
When an organisation or a team goes through a change or a restructure, the impact is far reaching.  You might need to expand or decrease the size or your workforce.  Perhaps the roles your people carry out will change, or the people doing them will need to acquire new skills to meet the changing needs of the organisation.  Maybe you need to review salaries and packages.  The way your organisation is structured might need to look different.  All of these changes need to happen seamlessly so that you are able to provide an uninterrupted service to your clients, and can support your people through the period of change. TMR Consulting can work with you through the process and advise you on how best to make this happen effectively and as painlessly as possible.  

Psychometric Profiling
Making the wrong recruitment or employee development decision can prove costly to an oganisation from a financial and customer point of view. Psychometric Assessment and Ability Testing can help avoid these costly mistakes and enhance employee performance.  TMR Consulting offers a complete, on line, Psychometric Assessment tool.  This can be used for individuals who want to make career choices, those facing redundancy who are being offered additional support by their organisation, group selection or development processes or specialist or high level recruitment decisions.  A full and confidential one to one feedback service is also available to those completing the profile.  Please contact us for more information.  

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